I admit I am biased in the news and internet sources I frequent. I am trying to read other sources with an open mind, but I do process everything based on my biased worldview. And as a thinker on the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator test, I don't respond well to arguments based on feelings.
Therefore, I am biased in favor of McCain, but why? Here is a list of a few issues I care about, where the candidates stand and where I stand. In fact, I am not so much biased toward McCain, as I am biased toward anyone who shares my values and convictions. So if Obama wants to convert to what I hold dear and near, I'd gladly endorse him. As you can see, he's not very close to center and as McCain says; "it's hard to reach that far across the aisle."
Abortion: McCain against (considers life to begin at conception). Obama for (in an extreme way). I am against abortion (see previous post). In my opinion abortion is at best an extreme, violent act that reveals a person's worldview and permeates his thinking and perspective. Therefore, I have trouble trusting or voting for a person who supports abortion.
Here are a few more related issues with which I happen to side 100% with McCain (Also see this previous post). From Value Voters USA:
Gay Marriage: McCain against. Obama for. I don't believe the age-old definition of "marriage" should be tampered with. Gays already have legal rights that are equivalent to marriage - just call it something else. I don't believe gays really want to get married anyway since only about 2% have gotten married in countries that have made it legal; instead they desire their choices and beliefs to become mainstream.
Commander in Chief: McCain is experienced and I do not believe he is war/trigger happy but instead has a proper understanding of the costs of freedom and the role of government versus the individual when applied to protecting a people. Obama is not seasoned, experienced or mature in foreign policy and I believe will be tested, and the cause of the testing, as JFK was with the Cuban Missile Crisis. I believe Obama has a wrong perspective on America's place and responsibility in this world (another post to come). I don't care if the rest of the world and the U.N. disagree with America's choices, because doing what's right is not about being popular. Obama can be a citizen of the world if he wants to, but I do not believe the world has America's best interests in mind and our next president should not be swayed by world opinion. I think it's a shame that the intent of America's founding fathers is so often rejected when that solid foundation is the reason America has been so great. If you want to experiment with what doesn't work, move to Europe.
Unions: I don't know where McCain stands, but I'm not a big fan, especially when they give a percentage of my dues to charities I don't approve of such as Planned Parenthood. I do however strongly disagree with the power Obama wants to give unions.
There are issues that I'm not as opinionated on and which aren't as big a factor in deciding who I would vote for. Some issues where I'm not as decided on or as educated on are immigration, health, social security, trade, housing, economy and certain bailout plan details, although I always lean toward smaller government if possible and against socialist policies. There is a place for taxes and "giving unto Caesar" and there is a need for welfare and infrastructure and military. However, in our current economic downturn, why raise anybody's taxes until the recession turns around? Let's get rid of the corruption and waste first. Let's get rid of some of those deadbeat government employees that are so hard to fire. Let's enforce existing tax laws.
One issue where I'm against both candidates is stem cell research. I approve of research with stem cells. I disapprove of research with embrionic stem cells. I'm bugged when the two aren't differentiated. Again, this is my value of supporting a "culture of life." There is great hope for non-embrionic stem cells and it is unjustifiable and unnecessary to create a life to destroy it.
I disagree with both candidates on Global Warming, but that's another post coming as well.
Here's a good source on the platforms of the candidates.; from The Boston Globe.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Joe the Plumber ad
I decided to make a commercial for the "I'm Joe the Plumber" contest at JohnMcCain.com. What do you think?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Why I prefer FoxNews and conservative blogs
I saw this cartoon on one of the sites I regularly visit. Exhibit A Press gets the credit for it. It basically summarizes my feelings about the mainstream media.
One of our commenters suggested that Ian and I are probably getting biased coverage of world and national events because Fox News is our main source of news and conservative blogs and talk radio are our main sources of commentary. It's interesting because our Pastor just suggested that we should try to balance ourselves by listening to the opposite end of the political spectrum from our own. My response? I'm pretty clear on the idea that I'm getting biased information and I agree that we should listen to the other side. However, I will likely continue with my news gathering practices for a while. Here's the thing. I live in Los Angeles, so I'm surrounded by Democrats. I am a University professor, so liberal thought is the norm. And a large portion of my work is geared toward policy and programs that will serve the poor, so the social justice advocates are my partners in this mission. My environment is full of left-leaning (or even full on leftist) individuals. So diving deep into the online conservative world is important for me so that I can arm myself with intelligent arguments. And I have learned a LOT from reading some of the smartest writers and brightest thinkers. Honestly, I have tried to listen to the opposite end of the political spectrum. Honestly. But after a few minutes of Air America (back before it went bankrupt) and Daily Kos, I just can't handle it. I just can't handle the negativity that I sense coming from hosts and commenters. So until an intelligent middle-of-the-road venue comes along, I'll stick with what I'm doing. Or maybe as soon as the election is over I'll quit my addiction to political news.
The quote of the day from Hot Air
“Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not one of those people who think the media has been too hard on, say, Gov. Palin, by rushing reportorial SWAT teams to Alaska to rifle through her garbage. This is the Big Leagues, and if she wants to suit up and take the field, then Gov. Palin better be ready to play. The few instances where I think the press has gone too far - such as the Times reporter talking to Cindy McCain’s daughter’s MySpace friends - can easily be solved with a few newsroom smackdowns and temporary repostings to the Omaha Bureau.
No, what I object to (and I think most other Americans do as well) is the lack of equivalent hardball coverage of the other side - or worse, actively serving as attack dogs for Senators Obama and Biden. If the current polls are correct, we are about to elect as President of the United States a man who is essentially a cipher, who has left almost no paper trail, seems to have few friends (that at least will talk) and has entire years missing out of his biography. That isn’t Sen. Obama’s fault: his job is to put his best face forward. No, it is the traditional media’s fault, for it alone (unlike the alternative media) has had the resources to cover this story properly, and has systematically refused to do so.”
The whole article can be read here
On Optimism....and Hope
Okay. So we've ended up being more against Obama/Biden than for McCain/Palin in the majority of our posts. We're just trying to rally the undecideds in our teeny sphere of influence and I guess it sometimes seems easier to draw attention to Obama and Biden's negatives (because some of them are quite repulsive in my humble...and biased...opinion) than McCain and Palin's positives. Here's a positive post for the McCain/Palin team. This is a 2 minute clip of an interview with Chris Wallace. They talk about Palin and about the prospect of not winning the election.
McCain's perspective on losing the election - "Don't feel sorry for me....I'm the most fortunate person on earth." Perhaps an exaggeration, but throughout the clip, I was struck by the look in his eyes. His eyes had a hint of a smile throughout the interview. If not a smile, there was something optimistic...perhaps hopeful. I've seen that look before - in some of the best pediatric dentists I know (parents want to entrust their children to somebody optimistic when it comes to dental care).
I recognize that same gleam in Sarah Palin's eyes. It was a topic of conversation between Ian and myself early in Palin's selection as veep candidate. We noticed far more optimism in her than we ever saw in Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama. And just think of how she's been responding to some of the pretty vicious attacks being made on her and her family. You gotta have some degree of optimism and positivity to stay mostly positive. I can't recall anything ungracious that she has said about the media in its coverage of her.
Overall, I see more optimism and hope in McCain's and Palin's eyes than I see in Obama's or Biden's eyes. And for me to draw any hope from a political leader, I have to believe that they are hopeful people, looking toward the future with the perspective of gratitude rather than pessimistic about the past or present. So on the idea of change and hope, my gut goes with McCain and Palin.
McCain's perspective on losing the election - "Don't feel sorry for me....I'm the most fortunate person on earth." Perhaps an exaggeration, but throughout the clip, I was struck by the look in his eyes. His eyes had a hint of a smile throughout the interview. If not a smile, there was something optimistic...perhaps hopeful. I've seen that look before - in some of the best pediatric dentists I know (parents want to entrust their children to somebody optimistic when it comes to dental care).
I recognize that same gleam in Sarah Palin's eyes. It was a topic of conversation between Ian and myself early in Palin's selection as veep candidate. We noticed far more optimism in her than we ever saw in Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama. And just think of how she's been responding to some of the pretty vicious attacks being made on her and her family. You gotta have some degree of optimism and positivity to stay mostly positive. I can't recall anything ungracious that she has said about the media in its coverage of her.
Overall, I see more optimism and hope in McCain's and Palin's eyes than I see in Obama's or Biden's eyes. And for me to draw any hope from a political leader, I have to believe that they are hopeful people, looking toward the future with the perspective of gratitude rather than pessimistic about the past or present. So on the idea of change and hope, my gut goes with McCain and Palin.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Another Terrorist "Pal"
From Gateway Pundit:
I can't believe how many of these radical Chicagoans that Obama has had symbiotic relationships with, until this campaign of course. It's unbelievable to me that 52% (Gallup poll yesterday) of Americans seem to believe in Obama's sudden conversion to moderate rhetoric as recently as April of this year when Obama's last twenty years have been spent agreeing with radical anti-American idealogues. Is he really proud of America?
P.S. How about this support for Hamas and Hezbollah? Obama's old church published an article by a senior member of Hamas in the church bulletin! Obama went to this church twice a month for twenty years and claims to have not heard anything suspect. Come on?!?! Obama's values and sensitivities must be far different than mine for this not to raise any red flags!
I can't believe how many of these radical Chicagoans that Obama has had symbiotic relationships with, until this campaign of course. It's unbelievable to me that 52% (Gallup poll yesterday) of Americans seem to believe in Obama's sudden conversion to moderate rhetoric as recently as April of this year when Obama's last twenty years have been spent agreeing with radical anti-American idealogues. Is he really proud of America?
P.S. How about this support for Hamas and Hezbollah? Obama's old church published an article by a senior member of Hamas in the church bulletin! Obama went to this church twice a month for twenty years and claims to have not heard anything suspect. Come on?!?! Obama's values and sensitivities must be far different than mine for this not to raise any red flags!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Praise for America from Canada?
I'm adding another blog to our list of favorites: Canada Free Press. Who'd a thunk that we'd have so much support from a few of our friendly northern neighbors. They live in a socialist state and I sense a level of discontent about it...
Also, check out this friendly Canadian lady:
Also, check out this friendly Canadian lady:
Monday, October 20, 2008
Biden Predicts
I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around this. It's my understanding that Joe Biden is considered to be an expert on foreign policy. This is from an ABC News report. Click here for the full story.
Two options that I can think of. One, he knows what he's talking about. That means we're in big trouble if Obama does in fact become President. We should expect some type of crisis that will require skillful diplomacy or military action. Two, he has no idea what kind of nonsense he's spouting. That still means we're in big trouble because he's supposed to supplement Obama's relative inexperience in foreign policy.
I don't know why he wants to be so emphatic about this prediction. I sure wouldn't want to proven right on something like this. At any rate, I sure hope he isn't right.
Two options that I can think of. One, he knows what he's talking about. That means we're in big trouble if Obama does in fact become President. We should expect some type of crisis that will require skillful diplomacy or military action. Two, he has no idea what kind of nonsense he's spouting. That still means we're in big trouble because he's supposed to supplement Obama's relative inexperience in foreign policy.
I don't know why he wants to be so emphatic about this prediction. I sure wouldn't want to proven right on something like this. At any rate, I sure hope he isn't right.
No More Secrets!
McCain and Palin claim to have open book pasts and certainly people have tried to dig up dirt on them. They've made mistakes, but they're not hiding from them. They even invite the scrutiny.
On the other hand, Obama's past is cloudy. There are plenty of questions and the ones that have merit will stay on the surface. And it's not just Fox News that's reporting these findings; even CNN has questions.
There is mounting evidence that Obama's claim that unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers was merely "a guy who lives in my neighborhood" is highly misleading. If you ask me, it takes more than mere acquaintance to get elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bill Ayers' Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Is Obama going to have to modify the claims on his website again?
Come on, Obama. Why the big mystery about your past? Why the misleading words? Own up to your pals. Open the books. What do you have to hide?
On the other hand, Obama's past is cloudy. There are plenty of questions and the ones that have merit will stay on the surface. And it's not just Fox News that's reporting these findings; even CNN has questions.
There is mounting evidence that Obama's claim that unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers was merely "a guy who lives in my neighborhood" is highly misleading. If you ask me, it takes more than mere acquaintance to get elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bill Ayers' Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Is Obama going to have to modify the claims on his website again?
Come on, Obama. Why the big mystery about your past? Why the misleading words? Own up to your pals. Open the books. What do you have to hide?
Friday, October 17, 2008
Yes on Prop 8
For those of you who live in California, we have an important ballot measure on which to vote. My friend Christina is advocating for a "yes" vote on Prop 8. Ian and I agree. Here's her message to us to request that we join her in supporting Prop 8:
At any rate, under California law, “domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits” as married spouses. (Family Code §297.5.). My opposition is that the world over understands that marriage is between one man and one woman. Any new definitions will take us down a slippery slope. I don't think same sex partners are being denied civil rights as they claim. They have the rights. This is an issue of accepted definitions. Please do some homework and support Prop 8.
Hi Friends & Family,
Well, it’s in the air and politics is everywhere. For me personally, I have decided to help campaign a YES Vote on Proposition 8. This is probably the single most important proposition to me that I will be voting on in November.
It started for me when I heard Barbara Bradley-Hagardy on NPR give a report on Gay Rights and Religious Liberties http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91486340 (Barbara actually spoke at the Mosaic’s Women’s Brunch a few years ago). It was during her report that I realized that churches and other religious organizations could lose their rights and possibly their 501c3/non-profit status if they did not agree to conduct services for homosexuals (including counseling, ceremonies, etc). The report made me think, “What about the rights to the religious organizations?” Will we have to succumb to changing our values, ethics, and the way we run church due to the law?
This is why I taking advantage of our freedom in this still beautiful country and I am advocating YES on proposition 8. I’ve attached 2 flyers if you would like more information. (Fact Sheet & Questions and Answers). Please check out: www.protectmarriage.com
I hope you’ll join me and e-mail as many friends, neighbors, and family members in California that CAN make a difference and help protect the sacred bond of marriage between man and wife. Vote YES on Proposition 8.
Because of Him,
Christina Storm
At any rate, under California law, “domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits” as married spouses. (Family Code §297.5.). My opposition is that the world over understands that marriage is between one man and one woman. Any new definitions will take us down a slippery slope. I don't think same sex partners are being denied civil rights as they claim. They have the rights. This is an issue of accepted definitions. Please do some homework and support Prop 8.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Final Stretch
So the last debate is over and we're coming into the final stretch. We had an interesting evening last night. We packed up the kids and went to a restaurant (and nightclub) in the Miracle Mile to watch the debate with members of the Los Angeles Republicans Alliance. It was rather surreal. A bunch of Hollywood-like people actually hooting and hollering over McCain.
I was glad to hear McCain bring up some of the issues that make me question Obama's judgement. I was a bit disappointed in his style. He seemed to jab and jab, but then retreat before the knockout. Obama had a few good comebacks and points. Ultimately, McCain ain't the smoothest talker, but he's earnest and seems far more trustworthy than Obama. There's something about Obama that creeps me out. Probably the way he obfuscates and talks his way around the issue at hand, like how he responded about his votes on the Born Alive Act and on William Ayers. So I'm with the Frank Lutz group in not wanting to trust Obama.
For your homestretch entertainment, here's a ten-minute rant by a local musician that has been linked by a number of my favorite bloggers. On why he's voting for McCain/Palin...and a hit piece on the far left. Opinionated, charismatic, controversial, but thought-provoking and funny.
I was glad to hear McCain bring up some of the issues that make me question Obama's judgement. I was a bit disappointed in his style. He seemed to jab and jab, but then retreat before the knockout. Obama had a few good comebacks and points. Ultimately, McCain ain't the smoothest talker, but he's earnest and seems far more trustworthy than Obama. There's something about Obama that creeps me out. Probably the way he obfuscates and talks his way around the issue at hand, like how he responded about his votes on the Born Alive Act and on William Ayers. So I'm with the Frank Lutz group in not wanting to trust Obama.
For your homestretch entertainment, here's a ten-minute rant by a local musician that has been linked by a number of my favorite bloggers. On why he's voting for McCain/Palin...and a hit piece on the far left. Opinionated, charismatic, controversial, but thought-provoking and funny.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Debate Frustrations
I was so disappointed and frustrated in the debate last night. Neither Obama nor McCain said anything they haven't really said before. In terms of their general policy differences, they didn't really seem that different. So, what probably counts more are issues of character. Obama's associations with folks like William Ayers, ACORN, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezco really cast a shadow on his character...and his judgment, which he has been touting as a substitute for experience. McCain didn't take advantage of opportunities to bring attention to these associations. I was so disappointed. The mainstream media sure isn't covering much about these folks so these debates might be the only places for folks who don't follow the investigations of the conservative blogosphere to find out.
I'm starting to resign myself to the idea that Obama just might win it. I was telling Ian last night that I would really be bummed if that happened. But I would live. My hope is not in Obama. It's in Jesus. But I tell you what REALLY scares me beyond the Presidency. It's the idea of a Democratic President, Democratic Congress, and Democratic Senate. Losing division of power is incredibly dangerous. That means the judicial appointees over the next 4 years will not be constructionists. They will probably be marked with judicial activism. So for any of you fence-sitters who might happen to read this...think on that. Are we really ready to have all three branches of government dominated by the left?
I'm starting to resign myself to the idea that Obama just might win it. I was telling Ian last night that I would really be bummed if that happened. But I would live. My hope is not in Obama. It's in Jesus. But I tell you what REALLY scares me beyond the Presidency. It's the idea of a Democratic President, Democratic Congress, and Democratic Senate. Losing division of power is incredibly dangerous. That means the judicial appointees over the next 4 years will not be constructionists. They will probably be marked with judicial activism. So for any of you fence-sitters who might happen to read this...think on that. Are we really ready to have all three branches of government dominated by the left?
Monday, October 6, 2008
McCain FINALLY talking about the economic issues
Okay, so we know McCain is supposed to be more experienced than Obama in foreign policy. But polls indicate that economic issues trump foreign policy right now. Now McCain finally seems to be talking about his understanding of the current financial crisis and the roles he (and the Republicans) and Obama and the Democrats played.
I trust him more than Obama on economic issues. And if we're talking political parties, I certainly trust the Republicans more on strategies to grow the economy.
Here's another one:
I trust him more than Obama on economic issues. And if we're talking political parties, I certainly trust the Republicans more on strategies to grow the economy.
Here's another one:
Why Not Obama?
Why am I fearful of an Obama presidency? Because if Obama wins, there will be a loss of checks-and-balances in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government. Can you imagine the horror of Obama, Nancy Petocin, Harry Reid, Obama's liberal Cabinet appointees and the possiblity of 2-3 new liberal Supreme Court Justices? Way too much change in the extreme liberal direction.
Also, any new taxes is the exact wrong thing needed in our economy right now. Obama is for tax increases, letting tax cuts expire and $800 Billion in new spending. Biden says the economy might force them to spend and tax at a slower rate. I say none of the above.
Here are a few more doozies, from the National Republican Trust PAC and other easily found sources:
No solid denouncement of liberal extremists he has associated with; Wright, Ayers or Farrakan. And endorsements from Castro, leaders of Hamas, etc. Some Iranians actually hope McCain wins because they think Obama is more likely to unite the world against Iran. Obama has repeatedly announced choices that had he been in power to make those choices America would have suffered.
Obama wasn't even interested in church until he was advised that he'd better get in church if he wanted to get the backing of many Americans. There was no "faith" language in his speech even four years ago, but in the last eighteen months liberals figured out they needed to jump on the religion bandwagon. Obama's true feelings come through, though, when he talks about Americans clinging to their guns and religion.
100% Liberal Rating by the National Journal.
Most pro-abortion candidate in the history of America. 100% endorsed by Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider which receives obscene amounts of taxpayer money to be spent in ways I certainly do not approve of. This makes me sick.
Against gun rights. Rated "F" on gun positions by the NRA.
Approves of strong-arm tactics against free speech when the speech tries to reveal the truth of his past statements and associations.
Spouts vulgar language and racist remarks in his own book Dreams from My Father, which can be bought on tape, read by Obama himself. Read Wayne Perryman's other books on Why are most blacks in America Democrats? Why"for over 150 years, blacks were victims of terrorist attacks by the Democrats and their Klan supporters, including lynching, beating, rapes and mutilations. On the issue of slavery, the Democrats literally gave their lives to expand it; the Republicans gave their lives to ban it. Many believed the Democrats had a change of heart and fell in love with blacks. To the contrary, history reveals the democrats didn't fall in love with black folks, they fell in love with the black vote knowing this would be their ticket into the white house."
It's time for McCain to get the truth into the debates instead of hidden away on the internet. Looking forward to tomorrow's townhall style debate.
Also, any new taxes is the exact wrong thing needed in our economy right now. Obama is for tax increases, letting tax cuts expire and $800 Billion in new spending. Biden says the economy might force them to spend and tax at a slower rate. I say none of the above.
Here are a few more doozies, from the National Republican Trust PAC and other easily found sources:
No solid denouncement of liberal extremists he has associated with; Wright, Ayers or Farrakan. And endorsements from Castro, leaders of Hamas, etc. Some Iranians actually hope McCain wins because they think Obama is more likely to unite the world against Iran. Obama has repeatedly announced choices that had he been in power to make those choices America would have suffered.
Obama wasn't even interested in church until he was advised that he'd better get in church if he wanted to get the backing of many Americans. There was no "faith" language in his speech even four years ago, but in the last eighteen months liberals figured out they needed to jump on the religion bandwagon. Obama's true feelings come through, though, when he talks about Americans clinging to their guns and religion.
100% Liberal Rating by the National Journal.
Most pro-abortion candidate in the history of America. 100% endorsed by Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion provider which receives obscene amounts of taxpayer money to be spent in ways I certainly do not approve of. This makes me sick.
Against gun rights. Rated "F" on gun positions by the NRA.
Approves of strong-arm tactics against free speech when the speech tries to reveal the truth of his past statements and associations.
Spouts vulgar language and racist remarks in his own book Dreams from My Father, which can be bought on tape, read by Obama himself. Read Wayne Perryman's other books on Why are most blacks in America Democrats? Why"for over 150 years, blacks were victims of terrorist attacks by the Democrats and their Klan supporters, including lynching, beating, rapes and mutilations. On the issue of slavery, the Democrats literally gave their lives to expand it; the Republicans gave their lives to ban it. Many believed the Democrats had a change of heart and fell in love with blacks. To the contrary, history reveals the democrats didn't fall in love with black folks, they fell in love with the black vote knowing this would be their ticket into the white house."
It's time for McCain to get the truth into the debates instead of hidden away on the internet. Looking forward to tomorrow's townhall style debate.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The Bailout
I don't even want to talk about how ticked off I am at this entire situation. But I didn't think I could just keep on blogging away without mentioning it.
A video I saw a week ago went viral before being pulled off YouTube. It's been updated with new music. I must admit the original music was far more compelling to the entire video.
A video I saw a week ago went viral before being pulled off YouTube. It's been updated with new music. I must admit the original music was far more compelling to the entire video.
Crossing Over
One of our commenters, the mystery fobbiemom, said "Give me information favorable to conservatives from a liberal source, or liberals from a conservative source, and I will have an easier time getting to the truth." I've been trying to think of some such sources. May I present an alternative? I'm listing some of my favorite conservative bloggers, all of whom identified as Democrats until recently.
Betsy Newmark is a history and government teacher. Her blog is one of my first stopping places each morning. She has a phenomenal way of summarizing what she's been reading in the blogosphere.
The Anchoress is my second stopping place. She writes from a Christian/Catholic perspective. She is also great at summarizing the commentariat.
LaShawn Barber was one of my daily stopping places when she was writing about politics on a regular basis. She is now writing on a more diverse range of topics. She also writes from a Christian perspective.
I check out Baldilocks' site maybe once a week. Similar to LaShawn Barber.
And then there's Neo-Neocon...not only a recent convert to conservatism, but one who still lives in the Northeast and works as a therapist. I check out her blog about once a month.
And Tammy Bruce whose site I check out maybe every 6-8 weeks or so.
Hmmm. I didn't realize that my favorite bloggers were mostly crossovers from the Democratic Party...and women. Well to spice things up, here's a blogger Ian and I recently discovered that we keep intending to check out more - Queer Conservative.
But this is one pseudo-crossover that I found to be incredibly intriguing. One of Hillary Clinton's former fundraisers. Here's her explanation for why she's going to vote for McCain/Palin. Poor woman has taken a LOT of hits from announcing her intentions as such.
Betsy Newmark is a history and government teacher. Her blog is one of my first stopping places each morning. She has a phenomenal way of summarizing what she's been reading in the blogosphere.
The Anchoress is my second stopping place. She writes from a Christian/Catholic perspective. She is also great at summarizing the commentariat.
LaShawn Barber was one of my daily stopping places when she was writing about politics on a regular basis. She is now writing on a more diverse range of topics. She also writes from a Christian perspective.
I check out Baldilocks' site maybe once a week. Similar to LaShawn Barber.
And then there's Neo-Neocon...not only a recent convert to conservatism, but one who still lives in the Northeast and works as a therapist. I check out her blog about once a month.
And Tammy Bruce whose site I check out maybe every 6-8 weeks or so.
Hmmm. I didn't realize that my favorite bloggers were mostly crossovers from the Democratic Party...and women. Well to spice things up, here's a blogger Ian and I recently discovered that we keep intending to check out more - Queer Conservative.
But this is one pseudo-crossover that I found to be incredibly intriguing. One of Hillary Clinton's former fundraisers. Here's her explanation for why she's going to vote for McCain/Palin. Poor woman has taken a LOT of hits from announcing her intentions as such.
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