Mother Theresa said many interesting things about abortion being a foundation of violence in our society that permeates every aspect of our society. I’m not impressed by everything she did or said, but I agree with her totally on respect for life.
I believe that a society that can justify and condone such violence against any potential member of society is on a losing downward spiral. How can someone really care about the poor and downtrodden if they don’t care about the most helpless members of our society? Abortion is one of those indicators of the loss of values that is threatening everything that makes this great nation great.
The most pro-abortion senator in America, based on voting record, is Barack Obama. In fact, he's become the media minister of Planned Parenthood. I may live in California where there is slim-to-none chance of defeating a Democrat politician, and even many of my Christian friends are voting for Obama, but I must do everything I can to help defeat Obama because I believe his judgment is faulty and his values are misguided and this great nation will suffer at his hand.

I believe with all my heart that the most important issue in politics, and life, is respect for life, even the pre-born and infirm, and that respect for life permeates and influences all other issues.
I become an American citizen on September 11 (9/11 ironically), in a few weeks. I will have the privilege to vote for President of the United States of America. I have a responsibility to vote my conscience. I will have to answer for how I live my life.
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