Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Beliefs on the Issues

Why do I support McCain over Obama? Many reasons, including that my beliefs on the following issues align completely with McCain's:

Favors new drilling offshore US
Mccain: Yes Obama: No

Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it
McCain: Yes Obama: No

Served in the US Armed Forces
McCain: Yes Obama: No

Amount of time served in the US Senate
McCain: 22 YEARS Obama: 173 DAYS

Will institute a socialized national health care plan
McCain: No Obama: Yes

Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy
McCain: No Obama: Yes

Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately
McCain: No Obama: Yes

Supports gun ownership rights
McCain: Yes Obama: No

Supports homosexual marriage
McCain: No Obama: Yes

Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase
McCain: No Obama: Yes

Voted against making English the official language
McCain: No Obama: Yes

Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals
McCain: No Obama: Yes

I believe Republicans and Democrats care about most of the same issues; they just believe in different ways of accomplishing them.

I believe in the private sector and faith-based initiatives to accomplish helping the poor and downtrodden on a personal, individual level, not with inefficient government. I don't believe that taxpayers should be forced to support government initiatives while the politicians that support taxpayer funding don't set the example of sacrificially serving the poor and downtrodden on their own with their own resources.


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