Friday, October 17, 2008

Yes on Prop 8

For those of you who live in California, we have an important ballot measure on which to vote. My friend Christina is advocating for a "yes" vote on Prop 8. Ian and I agree. Here's her message to us to request that we join her in supporting Prop 8:
Hi Friends & Family,

Well, it’s in the air and politics is everywhere. For me personally, I have decided to help campaign a YES Vote on Proposition 8. This is probably the single most important proposition to me that I will be voting on in November.

It started for me when I heard Barbara Bradley-Hagardy on NPR give a report on Gay Rights and Religious Liberties (Barbara actually spoke at the Mosaic’s Women’s Brunch a few years ago). It was during her report that I realized that churches and other religious organizations could lose their rights and possibly their 501c3/non-profit status if they did not agree to conduct services for homosexuals (including counseling, ceremonies, etc). The report made me think, “What about the rights to the religious organizations?” Will we have to succumb to changing our values, ethics, and the way we run church due to the law?

This is why I taking advantage of our freedom in this still beautiful country and I am advocating YES on proposition 8. I’ve attached 2 flyers if you would like more information. (Fact Sheet & Questions and Answers). Please check out:

I hope you’ll join me and e-mail as many friends, neighbors, and family members in California that CAN make a difference and help protect the sacred bond of marriage between man and wife. Vote YES on Proposition 8.

Because of Him,
Christina Storm

At any rate, under California law, “domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections and benefits” as married spouses. (Family Code §297.5.). My opposition is that the world over understands that marriage is between one man and one woman. Any new definitions will take us down a slippery slope. I don't think same sex partners are being denied civil rights as they claim. They have the rights. This is an issue of accepted definitions. Please do some homework and support Prop 8.


1 comment:

Anna said...

Here's an excerpt from the text of the chaptered bill AB43 that might alleviate our fears:

"SEC. 7. Section 403 is added to the Family Code, to read:
403. No priest, minister, or rabbi of any religious denomination,
and no official of any nonprofit religious institution authorized to
solemnize marriages, shall be required to solemnize any marriage in violation of his or her right to free exercise of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or by
Section 4 of Article I of the California Constitution."
So, we are protected by the first amendment.

Thank God for our Constitution!

Nonetheless, I'm voting for Prop 8 because of the irrefutable biblical definition of marriage.