Sunday, November 2, 2008

Final Thoughts Before Tuesday

I'm kinda tired of this election and look forward to it being over. There have been so many articles in the blogosphere to point to and comment on these last few days that I've been overwhelmed and decided to be silent. The people that care to read what I read can peruse the vaults of my Favorite Blogs to the left.

I'm so glad that my Hope is in Jesus the God-Man and not in Washington or the White House. I am at peace with the outcome on Tuesday and with my little role as a blogger. Perhaps I have made a difference in somebody's life.

I will support the office of President of the United States of America, even if I don't fully support the decisions of whoever wins, and I will pray for that person to draw closer to our LORD, to become more like Jesus and to lead with wisdom and humility, making decisions with self-sacrifice and having a heart to pursue what is truly best for the people (not assuming that I know what that is).

I don't understand my friends who are voting Democrat because their families always vote Democrat. I could be wrong, but many of them don't seem to have really thought about Obama and what his words and voting history mean. I truly believe the statement that "the Democratic Party has left the Democrats," whoever said it.

I just had the thought that I would be okay with Obama winning the election IF I thought that all the people voting for him had really examined the man, his record and his worldview. Then I would accept that I was in the minority and that the majority of people really wanted to elect Obama (and his 3000 appointees alongside Pelosi, Reid, Frank, etc.). Instead, it appears to me that so many are swooning over his presence, delivery and rhetoric or voting out of knee-jerk reaction to their disappointments of Bush or out of some sort of false racial guilt.

I do know that this is a difficult decision for many and that the decision is getting harder and harder as the deadline to vote approaches and the seriousness of our freedom to choose our leaders is at hand. It's sad that we people so often vote against one candidate, instead of for the other candidate, with a lesser-of-two-evils mentality. I do pray that the uninformed voter would stay home and not vote. I do celebrate that voter turnout for this election is expected to break records. The people are passionate, that's for sure!

My Faith and Hope is in Jesus Christ my God. I am foremost a sinner and not worthy of God's love, grace and mercy and I will not judge the hearts of man.

One more day to figure out which presidential candidate to vote for. Don't forget all the propositions and local government offices that need an educated vote. Voting is our right and privilege!


1 comment:

Anna said...

Thanks, Ian! As much as I struggle with issues, I choose to place my trust in God for the outcome of this election. I refuse to join the gloom and doom crowd. The Bible already predicted moral decay. If you feel you could delay it, by all means vote on your convictions! Yes, make the elections go away. I'm suffering from fatigue!