I cannot listen to Joe Biden anymore. He's a fiction writer. Did any of you watch his speech tonight at the DNC? Check out this rebuttal:
Lie #1
But John McCain doesn't seem to get it. Barack Obama gets it, though. Like many of us in this room, like many of us in this hall, Barack Obama has worked his way up. He is the great American story, you know?
Barack Obama is the Harvard educated son of a Harvard educated man. His grandparents sent him to a prep school in Hawaii that costs $17,000/year, and the student body consisted of actors and celebrities. That is not the typical American story. Most kids either go to public school or private school, not a prep school with celebrities.
Lie #2 (Also told by Michelle)
And, ladies and gentlemen, Barack Obama could have done anything after he graduated from college. With all his talent and promise, he could have written his own ticket to Wall Street. But what did he choose to do?
How could Barack Obama go to Wall Street. He didn't study Finance and he's not an investment banker. What are his qualifications for Wall Street. Is this just another one of his inventions? And, he's already proven he knows nothing about economics with policies like raising taxes during a slowing economy.
Lie #3
And when he came to Washington, when he came to Washington, John and I watched with amazement how he hit the ground running, leading the fight to pass the most sweeping ethics reform in a generation.
John McCain has already said he was angry that Obama just gave up on the ethics bill. Just gave up.
Lie #4
And then he moved Congress and the president to give our wonderful wounded warriors the care and dignity they deserve.
Obama voted against funding the troops. Exactly what kind of care is he talking about?
Lie #5
And when John McCain proposes $200 million in new taxes for corporate America, $1 billion alone for the largest companies in the nation -- but no, none, no relief for 100 million American families, that's not change. That's more of the same.
John McCain is proposing lots of relief for 100 million American families, its Obama that doing away with the Bush cuts. Its Obama that wants to raise the capital gains rates and the dividend taxes.
Lie #6
Even today, as oil companies post the biggest profits in history, nearly $500 billion in the last five years, John wants to give them another $4 billion in tax breaks. That's not change. That's the same.
John McCain wants to get the economy moving by reducing corporate taxes, not just the oil companies. Obama wants to have a windfall tax on oil companies that will just get passed on to consumers, and you'll end up paying even more at the pump.
Lie #7
And during the same time, John voted again and again against renewable energy, solar, wind, biofuels. That's not change. That's more of the same.
John McCain has continually said that he believes in alternative energy and reducing dependence of foreign oil, he isjust way more practical about the situation and realized our economy will just stall if we don't drill now; alternative energy developments later.
Lie #8
Millions of Americans have seen their jobs go offshore, yet John continues to support tax breaks for corporations that send them there. That's not change. That's more of the same.
Tax breaks aren't going to send companies offshore, unions will. They simply go where there is cheaper labor. Americans need to retrain themselves. Factory jobs will not be here forever unless you are willing to make the same labor wage that someone in a third world country makes. You need to retrain yourself to learn computers, multimedia, and technology. And, McCain has plans for training programs for out of work Americans.
Lie #9
He voted 19 times against the minimum wage for people who are struggling just to make it to the next day. That's not change. That's more of the same.
Raising the minmum wage won't do a bit of good, it will just raise prices. If you are a grocery store and have to pay your employees more, you are just going to charge more for food. So, your higher wages, will buy you the same or less.
Lie #10
And when he says he'll continue to spend $10 billion a month, when the Iraqis have a surplus of nearly $80 billion, that's not change. That's more of the same.
McCain is not going to keep troops there if its not necessary. Only he has the judgement to make this decision about troop levels. If troop levels made the difference between losing the war in Iraq and winning why should we let Obama make that decision when he knows nothing about the military, and Biden even wanted to divide Iraq in three separate countries.
Lie #11
The choice in the election is clear. These times require more than a good soldier. They require a wise leader. A leader who can change -- the change that everybody knows we need.
McCain is more than a soldier, he has been a leader in congress, and passed several pieces of major legislation. Obama contributed in a minor way to legislation, but nothing major.
Lie #12
Barack Obama's going to deliver that change, because, I want to tell you, Barack Obama will reform our tax code. He will cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people who draw a paycheck. That's the change we need.
How is he going to cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people when he is going to raise the capital gains tax, and let the Bush tax cuts expire. Everyone will pay more under Obama's plan.
Lie #13
Barack Obama will transform the economy by making alternative energy a national priority and in the process creating 5 million new jobs and finally, finally freeing us from the grip of foreign oil. That's the change we need.
How will this transform the economy. He is just going to create subsidies for companies to develop alternative energy. This will take 10-20 years to develop. Its not like poof ok now that Obama is president we no longer need oil. McCain is the one who actually is putting incentives out there to develop better fuel batteries for automobiles to run on alternative fuels.
Lie #14
Barack Obama knows that any country that out-teaches us today will out-compete us tomorrow. That's why he'll invest in the next generation of teachers and why he'll make college more affordable. That's the change we need.
Its proven that throwing money to school is not the answer. All they do is waste the money on huge Olympic-sized pools, or whatever. That is definetly not the answer and he knows it. He just wants the teacher's votes.
Lie #15
Barack Obama will bring down health care costs by $2,500 for the average family and, at long last, deliver affordable, accessible health care for every American.
How is he going to reduce health care costs, his health care plan is going to raise the cost of health care because the system will be burdened by illegals who would be coming over with health problems to take advantage of the best health care system in the world. And, the average American will be going to the doctor uneccessarily and getting uneccessary tests done, because the hospitals want to bill now that Uncle Sam is picking up the tab. Specialized medicine will no longer be available, and the wait lines at doctor visits will be incredibly long.
Lie #16
Should we trust John McCain's judgment when he rejected talking with Iran and then asked, "What is there to talk about?" Or Barack Obama, who said, "We must talk and make clear to Iran that it must change"?
The US is already doing sanctions on Iran, and Obama thinks he can just talk to Iran and make things better.
Lie #17
Should we trust John McCain's judgment when he says we can't have no timelines to draw down our troops from Iraq, that we must stay indefinitely? Or should we listen to Barack Obama, who says shift the responsibility to the Iraqis and set a time to bring our combat troops home?
Now, after six long years, the administration and the Iraqi government are on the verge of setting a date to bring our troops home. John McCain was wrong, and Barack Obama was right.
Obama was WRONG, WRONG on Iraq. He wanted to have the troops home last March, and that would have been disaster for Iraq. Iraq would be part of Iran by now.
Our debt to our parents and our grandparents is too great. Our obligation to our children is too sacred. These are extraordinary times; this is an extraordinary election.
He's right its an extraordinary election to have someone this incompetent, yet so deceitful and popular. We will have to work really hard to defeat Obama in the 2008 election and in future elections. He should never be President of the United States.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
McCain on Tonight Show
John McCain was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Monday night:
I really liked his humor and he made some great points.
Regarding the fight between him and Obama for president; “We just have differences on political philosophy. Senator Obama was the most liberal, and Joe Biden was the third most liberal, Senator in the Senate, according to their voting record, and that’s what this is about. It shouldn’t be about our personalities or some of these minor issues that you really hear about.” “It has nothing to do with likes and dislikes…it has to do with what you think government should be doing, and how we’re going to stop the pork barrel spending and earmarking and the corruption that’s in Washington. “
I really liked his humor and he made some great points.
Regarding the fight between him and Obama for president; “We just have differences on political philosophy. Senator Obama was the most liberal, and Joe Biden was the third most liberal, Senator in the Senate, according to their voting record, and that’s what this is about. It shouldn’t be about our personalities or some of these minor issues that you really hear about.” “It has nothing to do with likes and dislikes…it has to do with what you think government should be doing, and how we’re going to stop the pork barrel spending and earmarking and the corruption that’s in Washington. “
My Beliefs on the Issues
Why do I support McCain over Obama? Many reasons, including that my beliefs on the following issues align completely with McCain's:
Favors new drilling offshore US
Mccain: Yes Obama: No
Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it
McCain: Yes Obama: No
Served in the US Armed Forces
McCain: Yes Obama: No
Amount of time served in the US Senate
McCain: 22 YEARS Obama: 173 DAYS
Will institute a socialized national health care plan
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Supports gun ownership rights
McCain: Yes Obama: No
Supports homosexual marriage
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Voted against making English the official language
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals
McCain: No Obama: Yes
I believe Republicans and Democrats care about most of the same issues; they just believe in different ways of accomplishing them.
I believe in the private sector and faith-based initiatives to accomplish helping the poor and downtrodden on a personal, individual level, not with inefficient government. I don't believe that taxpayers should be forced to support government initiatives while the politicians that support taxpayer funding don't set the example of sacrificially serving the poor and downtrodden on their own with their own resources.
Favors new drilling offshore US
Mccain: Yes Obama: No
Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it
McCain: Yes Obama: No
Served in the US Armed Forces
McCain: Yes Obama: No
Amount of time served in the US Senate
McCain: 22 YEARS Obama: 173 DAYS
Will institute a socialized national health care plan
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Supports gun ownership rights
McCain: Yes Obama: No
Supports homosexual marriage
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Voted against making English the official language
McCain: No Obama: Yes
Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals
McCain: No Obama: Yes
I believe Republicans and Democrats care about most of the same issues; they just believe in different ways of accomplishing them.
I believe in the private sector and faith-based initiatives to accomplish helping the poor and downtrodden on a personal, individual level, not with inefficient government. I don't believe that taxpayers should be forced to support government initiatives while the politicians that support taxpayer funding don't set the example of sacrificially serving the poor and downtrodden on their own with their own resources.
Wetting Their Pants
Every time I see an interview on the street of someone anticipating seeing Obama speak in person, they seem to be in emotional spasms of ecstasy, about to pee their pants. Here are some worst cases:
Chris Matthews responding to a speech; "The feeling most people get when they hear Barrack Obama's speech...I felt this thrill going up my leg..."
Jesse Jackson said regarding the DNC; “The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”
Spike Lee said that after the upcoming presidential election, “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama' and ‘After Obama.’”
Louis Farrakhan said; “A black man with a white mother became savior to us” and “could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall.”
Has Obama really risen, in nineteen months, from relatively unknown Senator rookie to this level of hype? Can we fault anybody from poking a little fun?
Chris Matthews responding to a speech; "The feeling most people get when they hear Barrack Obama's speech...I felt this thrill going up my leg..."
Jesse Jackson said regarding the DNC; “The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance.”
Spike Lee said that after the upcoming presidential election, “You’ll have to measure time by ‘Before Obama' and ‘After Obama.’”
Louis Farrakhan said; “A black man with a white mother became savior to us” and “could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall.”
Has Obama really risen, in nineteen months, from relatively unknown Senator rookie to this level of hype? Can we fault anybody from poking a little fun?
World's Largest Protest Sign
Right To Life has created a Guinness World Record attempt in Denver. 530-foot tall and 666-foot wide!
Bill Clinton makes a good point.

Today, Bill Clinton spoke at a forum of former world leaders less than a mile from the site of the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
“Suppose for example you’re a voter and you have candidate X and you have candidate Y,” Clinton said. “Candidate X agrees with you on everything but you don’t think that person can deliver on anything. Candidate Y disagrees with you on half the issues but you believe that on the other half, the candidate will be able to deliver. For whom will you vote?”
(BTW, If you think this picture is harsh, check this guy out.)
Sounds like Clinton isn’t totally on board with Obama, although he probably considers himself candidate Y and not McCain. I agree that Obama puts forth some good ideas, but I’m convinced most of his ideas are impossible to enforce or afford. And I especially disagree with his disvaluing of human life before and possibly even after birth and his desires to make government bigger.
Why I liked Michelle Obama’s DNC speech!
Monday night, Michelle Obama gave an amazing speech about family and values. She was very poised and confident and had a great presence. I was not in favor of what she had to say before she spoke, but afterward I found myself admiring her. Then my wife made a point that she'd heard on talk radio.
Everything Michelle bragged about, her and Barack’s families achieving the American Dream through personal hard work, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH GOVERNMENT!
What a refreshing thought to come from a Democrat!
Everything Michelle bragged about, her and Barack’s families achieving the American Dream through personal hard work, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH GOVERNMENT!
What a refreshing thought to come from a Democrat!
My Number One Political Issue
The issue for me that trumps all other issues in politics is respect for life. No matter when you believe life starts, at birth or conception, abortion is an undeniably violent act. You don’t have to see graphic pictures to know about little body parts and blood.
Mother Theresa said many interesting things about abortion being a foundation of violence in our society that permeates every aspect of our society. I’m not impressed by everything she did or said, but I agree with her totally on respect for life.
I believe that a society that can justify and condone such violence against any potential member of society is on a losing downward spiral. How can someone really care about the poor and downtrodden if they don’t care about the most helpless members of our society? Abortion is one of those indicators of the loss of values that is threatening everything that makes this great nation great.
The most pro-abortion senator in America, based on voting record, is Barack Obama. In fact, he's become the media minister of Planned Parenthood. I may live in California where there is slim-to-none chance of defeating a Democrat politician, and even many of my Christian friends are voting for Obama, but I must do everything I can to help defeat Obama because I believe his judgment is faulty and his values are misguided and this great nation will suffer at his hand.

I believe with all my heart that the most important issue in politics, and life, is respect for life, even the pre-born and infirm, and that respect for life permeates and influences all other issues.
I become an American citizen on September 11 (9/11 ironically), in a few weeks. I will have the privilege to vote for President of the United States of America. I have a responsibility to vote my conscience. I will have to answer for how I live my life.
Mother Theresa said many interesting things about abortion being a foundation of violence in our society that permeates every aspect of our society. I’m not impressed by everything she did or said, but I agree with her totally on respect for life.
I believe that a society that can justify and condone such violence against any potential member of society is on a losing downward spiral. How can someone really care about the poor and downtrodden if they don’t care about the most helpless members of our society? Abortion is one of those indicators of the loss of values that is threatening everything that makes this great nation great.
The most pro-abortion senator in America, based on voting record, is Barack Obama. In fact, he's become the media minister of Planned Parenthood. I may live in California where there is slim-to-none chance of defeating a Democrat politician, and even many of my Christian friends are voting for Obama, but I must do everything I can to help defeat Obama because I believe his judgment is faulty and his values are misguided and this great nation will suffer at his hand.

I believe with all my heart that the most important issue in politics, and life, is respect for life, even the pre-born and infirm, and that respect for life permeates and influences all other issues.
I become an American citizen on September 11 (9/11 ironically), in a few weeks. I will have the privilege to vote for President of the United States of America. I have a responsibility to vote my conscience. I will have to answer for how I live my life.
Coming Out of the Political Closet

Since I am swearing in as a citizen of the United States of America, the greatest country in the world, on Sept 11, 2008, I have decided to start getting involved in politics.
Why am I proud of this great nation?
Because we are the most giving nation in the world. America gives by far the most to the UN Poverty Fund. Americans care more about the world's poor and disenfranchised, especially victims of natural disasters and religious persecution. Americans are the most willing to die for the freedoms of non-Americans. And America has given me so much opportunity and liberty.
Like Kobe Bryant said, "Our country, we believe, is the greatest county in the world and it's given us so many great opportunities and it's just this sense of pride that you have, that you say, you know what, our country is the best."
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