Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hope for the future

Sometimes I wonder what on earth is going to happen to American politics in the future. The University has been incredibly successful in advancing a leftist/liberal agenda. There is no balance to the political perspective our young people are exposed to in college.

Then I hear someone like this 14 year old. And I have hope that the ideas of conservatism might not lose out to the ideas of the left.

I hope he doesn't lose it when he hits college.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Practicing Islam in America's Public Schools?

Read this special report especially if you have children in the 7th grade in public schools. The textbooks used to teach about Islam offer revisionist history (actually propaganda) and are being used to indoctrinate the next generation into accepting Islam and shariah law.

Sounds alarmist and ridiculous, but the report is well documented. Read your child's 7th grade history textbook to see if the mistreatment of women and violent history of Islam has been whitewashed. It seems that many of the textbook publishers have been pressured by the Council on Islamic Education to tell half truths and outright lies; claiming Islamic beliefs to be facts.

Islam's intent is jihad; stealthy and "peaceful" as long as Muslims are in the minority, violent and aggressive once they out-reproduce the majority and take over; as they did in Lebanon, a country that used to be majority Christian.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

I just don't get it

I just don't get why he cares so much about abortion.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Choice Between A and A

Exactly what choice does Planned Parenthood offer? Going to them for choice is like voting in North Korea, China or Zimbabwe.

Here's some insight from a former hippy who's been on all sides of the abortion issue.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Daily Show's Take on the Inauguration Address

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My President

Congrats to Obama on becoming my president. According to Romans 13, God has placed him in this position of authority. I pray for him regularly, especially for his journey as a Christian and his search for a church for his family to worship at in Washington. I pray for his family as they find new friends and community in their new environment. I have many doubts, but I'm also hopeful and expectant, trusting in God foremost and the power of the checks and balances built into our government process to limit the most extreme policies. I will give him the benefit of the doubt because I believe he is teachable and has a desire to let God transform him daily into a person more like His son Jesus. God bless you Mr. President and God bless America.